Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Chesnut flour Cake Recipe

I went to my second athletics training session last night and came face to face with a beep test à la française . Aside from a few serious language problems, (initially the all important word for beep test?!) I knew, just like its delightful english counterpart, it was never going to be a walk in the park. This was confirmed when the coach said "You shouldn't stop until you feel you might die." Having not being prepared for any kind of test, it probably could have gone a lot better and I should have pushed myself a little further.

So after a bit of exertion, I decided to refuel by making a Corsican delicacy, Chestnut flour cake. I borrowed this recipe from a lovely lady next door. Chestnut flour might not be a supermarket regular back home but it's not too hard to track down and well worth the effort Its also makes for the perfect gluten-free alternative.

475g Chesnut flour
2tsp Baking powder
160g sugar
180ml milk
75g sultanas
The zest of 1 lemon
3 eggs, separated
60g butter, melted
1/4 tsp salt

Preheat the oven to Oven 180 degrees and line a loaf tin with grease proof paper.
Beat the egg yolks with the sugar until nice and fluffy. Then fold in the flour, baking powder and salt and gradually add the melted butter, milk and lemon juice. Then stir in the raisins. Whisk then egg whites until they stand up in stiff peaks and carefully fold them in. (I didn't have an electric whisk handy but its do-able so long as your in no hurry and you're arm is feeling strong) Pop it in the oven for 30 mins. It makes a lovely moist cake that works a treat with a dollop of Crème Fraîche mixed with a little lemon zest. Voilà!